Jefferson County Sightings

August 2000 near Knoxdale: A woman out for a drive witnessed a 6 to 7 foot tall creature walk in front of her car.

July 2000 near Reynoldsville: A couple was hiking in the woods at a game lands. They decided to take a break and rest on a fallen log. As they sat, they heard a noise come from 75 yards away. They turned to look, they saw something stand up on two legs. They man yelled but got no response. They described the creature as standing 6 ½ to 7 foot tall weighing between 500 to 600 lbs and covered in black hair. The creature stared at the couple before walking into the woods.

October 1988 near Punxsutawney: A family sitting along a country road spotting deer sight what they believe to be a Bigfoot creature. It walked 25 yards and stepped out of the woods then back in again. The creature stood approximately 7 to 8 foot tall covered in reddish brown hair.

December 1994 Big Run Creek, bordering Jefferson/Indiana County:
During buck season 1994, along Big Run Creek, several hunters observed 2 bi-pedal creatures. At the time it was raining heavily. The larger creature was dirty brown in color while the smaller creature was a dirty white. They were both walking along Big Run Creek when the larger creature threw a large log into the creek making a splash. The hunters were about 100 yards from the creatures when the sighting occured. Submitted by Paul Johnson Courtesy website

October 1988 near Punxsutawney: A family sitting along a country road spotting deer sight what they believe to be a Bigfoot creature. It walked 25 yards and stepped out of the woods then back in again. The creature stood approximately 7 to 8 foot tall covered in reddish brown hair.

Fall of 1971 near Reynoldsville: Several men were hunting in a wooded, swampy area when they camp upon a series of large human like tracks. After discovering the tracks the group continued walking through woods, but as they walked, they felt like they were being watched. Towards late afternoon the group split up and agreed to meet back at the vehicles. When they were meeting up near the vehicles later on, one of the men turned and saw what looked like a tall man covered in hair about 15 yards away watching them. The creature had very long arms and was swaying side to side. The stare down lasted a few minutes before the creature ran off into the woods.

1969 or 1970 Summerville near Stevenson Dam: Two men discover 16 inch long human like footprints with a massive stride between them.


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